Curricular structure


SCP7044 - Biostatistics (3 credits)

    Menu / Description: Mathematical models in biology. Principles of sampling in biomedical research. Description of sample data. The measurement of uncertainty in biology. Probabilistic models of greater use in biomedical research. Estimation of parameters. Parametric inference on one or two samples. Analysis of variance with a classification criterion. Association Studies on Two-Dimensional Tables and Simple Linear Regression and Correlation. Free Distribution Tests. Teacher: João Aragào Ximenes Filho.

    Callegari-Jacques, Sidia M. Biostatistics: principles and applications. Artmed, Porto Alegre, 2003
    Pegano, Marcello & Gauvreau, Kimberlee. Principles of Biostatistics. Thomson, São Paulo, 2004
    Soares, José Francisco & Siqueira, Arminda Lúcia. Introduction to Medical Statistics. Coopmed, Belo Horizonte, 2002

SCP7066 - Bioethics (2 credits)

    Menu / Description: The foundations of ethics applied to biological research. Improvement in the understanding of the interrelationship between research and the ethical problems associated with experimentation with human beings. Professors: Roberto Wagner Bezerra de Araújo (Including invited teachers of the local Committees).

    OLIVEIRA, M. A. de - Ethics and Sociability; Ed.Loiola, São Paulo, 1993
    Berlinger, G. Ethics of Health. Hucitec, Spaulo, 1996
    Berlinger, G. Life issues: ethics, science, health. APCE / Hucitec / CEBES, 1993
    Bottle, V.A. Dimension of Ethics in Public Health.USP, 1995
    GRACIA, D. (1989) Foundations of bioethics. Eudema, Madrid. HARDING, Sandra (1996)
    Ladiére, J. Ethics and scientific thinking: a philosophical approach to bioethical problems. Lyrics and Songpapers, S Paulo, 1994
    Oliveira, MA. Ethics and historical praxis. Atica, S Paulo, 1995
    Pessini, L., Barchifontaiene, CP (Ed) -Foundings of bioethics.Paulus, S Paulo, 1996
    Bioethics, Journal published by the Federal Council of Medicine
    Cecchetto S, Mainetti JA. [Bioethics: an epistemological approach. Vertex. 2007 Sep-Oct; 18 (75): 357-61
    Filip S, English D, Mokrý J. Issues in stem cell plasticity. J Cell Mol Med. 2004; 8 (4): 572-7

SCP7133 - Immunopathology (3 credits)

    The objective of this discipline is to approach and update concepts on the following themes: - Host - Parasite interactions and the co - evolution of the survival strategies of the two; - Immune responses to intracellular and extracellular infectious agents; - Immune effector mechanisms in the cobate to the microorganisms; - Regulatory mechanisms of immune responses; - Immunopathologies in infectious diseases: immunocomplex, cytotoxic and autoimmune reactions; - Immunobiologies of the agents of: Malaria, Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Leishmaniasis, Chagas Disease, Schistosomiasis, Toxoplasmosis and HIV / AIDS. - Immunoprophylaxis strategies in the main tropical infectious diseases. Teachers: Talapala Gonvindaswamy Naidu, Max Victor Carioca Made, José Ajax Queiroz Nogueira.

  • Referências:

  1. WONG P, PALMER EG, CD8 T cell responses to infectious pathogens. Ann. Rev. Immunol. 21:29-70, 2003

  2. EDEN W, ZEE R, PRAKKEN B. Heat-shock proteins induce T cell regulation of chronic inflammation. Nature Rev. Immunnol. 5:318-330, 2005

  3. RAUPACH B, KAUFMANN SHE. Immune responses to intracellular bacteria. Curr, Opin. Immunol. 13:417-428, 2001

  4. Mc MAHON CW, RAULET DH. Expression and function of NK cell receptors in CD8+ T cells. Curr. Opin. Immunol. 13:465-470, 2001

  5. GUMPERZ JE, BRENNER MB, CD1-specific T cells in microbial immunity. Curr, Opin. Immunol. 13:471-478, 2001

  6. LIBERO GD, MORI L. Recognition of lipid antigens by T cells. Nature Rev. Immunol. 5:485-496, 2005

  7. SCHOFIELD L, GRAU GE. Immunological process in malaria pathogenesis. Nature Rev. Immunol. 5:722-735, 2005

  8. TAKEDA K, KAISHO T, AKIRA S. Toll-like receptors. Ann. Rev. Immunol. 21:335-376, 2003

  9. AKIRA S, TAKEDA K. Toll-like receptor signaling. Nature Rev. Immunol. 4:499-511, 2004

  10. LIEW FY, XU D, BRINT EK, O’NEILL LAJ. Negative regulation of toll-like receptor-mediated immune responses. Nature Rev. Immunol. 5:446-458, 2005

  11. MERWE PA, DAVIS SJ. Molecular interactions mediating T cell antigen recognition. Ann. Rev. Immunol. 21:659-684, 2003

  12. KASPENBERG ML. Dendritic cell control of pathogen-driven T cell polarization. Nature Rev. Immunol. 3:984-993, 2003

  13. STEINMAN R, HAWIGER D, NUSSENZWEIG MC. Tolerogenic dendritic cells. Ann. Rev. Immunol. 21:685-711, 2003

  14. MURPHY KM, REINER SL. The lineage decisions of helper T cells. Nature Rev. Immunol. 2: 933-944, 2002

  15. KRONNENBERG M, GAPIN L. The unconventional lifestyle of NKT cells. Nature Rev. Immunol. 2:557-568, 2002

  16. CARDING SR, EGAN PJ. T cells: functional plasticity and heterogeneity. Nature Rev. Immunol. 2:336-345, 2002

  17. ALEGRE M-L, FRAUWIRTH KA, THOMPSON CB. T cell regulation by CD28 and CTLA-4. Nature Rev. Immunol. 1: 220-228, 2001

  18. BACH JF. Regulatory T cells under scrutiny. Nature Rev. Immunol. 3:189-198, 2003

  19. MILLS K. Regulatory T cells: friend or foe in immunity to infection? Nature Rev. Immunol. 4: 841-855, 2004

  20. KAUFFMAN SHE. How can immunology contribute to the control of Tuberculosis? Nature Rev. Immunol. 1:20-30, 2001

  21. STEVENSON MM, RILEY EM. Innate immunity to malaria. Nature Rev. Immunol. 4:169-180, 2004

  22. SACKS D, NOBEN-TRAUTH N. The immunology of susceptibility and resistance to Leishmania major. Nature Rev. Immunol. 2:845-858, 2002

  23. PEARCE EJ, Mac DONALD AS. The immunology of Schistosomiasis. Nature Rev. Immunol. 2:499-511, 2002

  24. ALIBERTI J. Host persistence: exploitation of anti-inflammatory pathways by Toxoplasma gondii. Nature Rev. Immunol. 5:162-170, 2005

  25. HAASE AT. Perils at mucosal front lines for HIV and SIV and their hosts. Nature Rev. Immunol. 5:783-792, 2005

  26. GOULDER PJR, WATKINS DJ. HIV and SIV CTL escape: implications for vaccine design. Nature Rev. Immunol. 4:630-640, 2004

  27. MOWAT AM. Anatomical basis of tolerance and immunity to intestinal antigens. Nature Rev. Immunol. 3:331-341, 2003

  28. HACKENSTEIN H, THOMPSON AW. Dendritic cells: emerging pharmacological targets of immunosuppressive drugs. Nature Rev. Immunol. 4:169-180, 2004

  29. Andrea M. Cooper, Shabaana A. Khader. The role of cytokines in the initiation, expansion, and control of cellular immunity to tuberculosis. Immunological Reviews 2008, Vol. 226: 191–204

  30. Craig L. Maynard, Casey T. Weaver. Diversity in the contribution of interleukin-10 to T-cell-mediated immune regulation. Immunological Reviews 2008, Vol. 226: 219–233

  31. David M. Mosser, Xia Zhang. Interleukin-10: new perspectives on an old cytokine. Immunological Reviews 2008, Vol. 226: 205–218

  32. Lyudmila Lyakh, Giorgio Trinchieri, Lisa Provezza, Giuseppe Carra, Franca Gerosa. Regulation of interleukin-12/interleukin-23 production and the T-helper 17 response in humans. Immunological Reviews 2008, Vol. 226: 112–131

SCP7422 - Scientific Methodology (2 credits)

    Menu / Description: Science and scientific knowledge. Scientific methods. Methodological guidelines for reading, understanding and documentation of scientific works. Processes and techniques of elaboration of scientific work. Development, analysis and presentation (writing) of results.

    BARROS, A.J.P., LEHFELD, N. A. de S. Fundamentals of methodology: a guide for scientific initiation. 3.ed. São Paulo: Makron Books, 2000
    VIEGAS, Waldyr. Fundamentals of scientific methodology. Brasília: Publisher of UnB / Paralelo 15, 1999
    ABNT. Http://www.abnt.org.br/ COMPLEMENTARY BIBLIOGRAPHY FREE ON-LINE COURSE OF SCIENTIFIC METHODOLOGY / PHILOSOPHICAL METHODOLOGY - http://www.artnet.com.br/~pmotta/textosmetod.htm SCIENTIFIC METHOD - http: / /www.scientificmethod.com/

SCP7000 - General Pathological Processes (4 credits)

    Summary: Study of the non-compensated deviations of cell homeostasis (Biological Unit) in its genetic, morphological, biochemical and evolutionary-adaptive aspects. Emphasis for regressive, cellular proliferative, inflammatory and reparative processes. Teachers: José Telmo Valença Júnior; Margarida Maria de Lima Pompeu; Márcia Valéria Pitombeira Ferreira and Roberto Wagner Bezerra de Araújo.

    Cotran, R.S. ROBBINS PATHOLOGIC BASIS OF DISEASE, 6th Edition./RS Cotran, SLRobbins, V.Kumar, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, 1999
    Abbas, A.K., Lichtman, A.H., Pober, J.S.-Cellular and molecular immunology. Revinter Ltda, Rio de Janeiro, 2007
    BOGLIOLO, L. Pathology. 6a. Ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara-Koogan, 2000
    Yasuhara S, Asai A, Sahani ND, Martyn JA. Mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and alternative pathways of cell death in critical illness.Crit Care Med. 2007; 35 (9 Suppl): S488-95
    Hamacher-Brady A, Brady NR, Gottlieb RA. The interplay between pro-death and pro-survival signaling pathways in myocardial ischemia / reperfusion injury: apoptosis meets autophagy. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2006 Dec; 20 (6): 445-62.
    Zhanxiang Zhou et al - A Critical Involvement of Oxidative Stress in Acute Alcohol-Induced Hepatic TNF-a Production. American Journal of Pathology, Vol. 163, No. 3, 2003
    Jeffrey D. Browning and Jay D. Horton. Molecular mediators of hepatic steatosis and liver injury. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 114 (2): 147-152, 2004

SCP7400 - Seminars in Pathology I (1 credit)

    Ementa / Description: Presentation and discussion of master dissertation projects and presentation of research results developed by faculty and students of the course.

    GREENHALGH, T. How to read a paper. The Medline database. Br Med J, 313, p. 180-183, 1997
    GREENHALGH, T. How to read a paper. Getting your bearings (deciding what the paper is about). Br Med J, 313, p. 243-246, 1997
    GREENHALGH, T. Statistics for the non-statistician. I: Different types of data need different statistical tests. Br Med J, 313, p. 364-366, 1997
    GREENHALGH, T. Statistics for the non-statistician. II: "Significant" relations and their pitfalls. Br Med J, No. 315, p. 422-425, 1997
    GREENHALGH, T. Let's talk about critical consciousness. Br Med J, No. 334, p.490, 2007
    CROMBIE I.K. The pocket guide to critical appraisal: a handbook for health care professionals. London: BMJ Publishing Group, 1998
    COMPLEMENTARY BIBLIOGRAPHY: It will be in accordance with the research projects in progress and the work suggested by the guests for the presentation of the seminars

SCP7733 - Seminars in Pathology II (1 credit)

    Ementa / Description: Presentation and discussion of master dissertation projects and presentation of research results developed by faculty and students of the course.

    GREENHALGH, T. How to read a paper. The Medline database. Br Med J, No. 315, p. 180-183, 1997
    GREENHALGH, T. How to read a paper. Getting your bearings (deciding what the paper is about). Br Med J, No. 315, p. 243-246, 1997
    GREENHALGH, T. Statistics for the non-statistician. I: Different types of data need different statistical tests. Br Med J, No. 315, p. 364-366, 1997
    GREENHALGH, T. Statistics for the non-statistician. II: "Significant" relations and their pitfalls. Br Med J, No. 315, p. 422-425, 1997
    GREENHALGH, T. Let's talk about critical consciousness. Br Med J, No. 334, p.490, 2007
    CROMBIE I.K. The pocket guide to critical appraisal: a handbook for health care professionals. London: BMJ Publishing Group, 1998
    COMPLEMENTARY BIBLIOGRAPHY: It will be in accordance with the research projects in progress and the work suggested by the guests for the presentation of the seminars


    Menu / Description: Qualification examination provided for in the norms
    References: The bibliography of each qualification is indicated according to the need of the thesis work developed by each guiding / guiding.


    Menu / Description: Development of work oriented to elaborate the thesis; Public defense.
    References: The bibliography of each dissertation is indicated according to the need of the thesis work developed by each guiding / guiding.


    Menu / Description: Practical and theoretical activity of university education.


    Menu / Description: Proficiency test provided for in the norms.


SCP7122 - Anatomophosiopathology (3 credits)

    Description of the pathophysiology, mechanisms of action, morpho-functional and evolutionary alterations of the main tropical diseases, with special emphasis on the great endemic and epidemic outbreaks in the Northeast of Brazil. Teachers: José Telmo Valença Júnior, Ivo Castelo Branco Coelho, Margarida Maria de Lima Pompeu, Francisco Dário Rocha Filho and Francisco Valdeci de Almeida Ferreira.

    BOGLIOLO, L. Pathology. 6ª. Ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara-Koogan, 2000
    Cançado, JR, Chuster, M (Eds); Chagas cardiomyopathy, Belo Horizonte, 1985
    American Journal of Pathology
    American Journal of Public Health
    American Journal of Pathology
    American Journal of Public Health
    American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
    Clinical Infectious Diseases
    Human Pathology
    New England Journal of Medicine
    Journal of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine
    Journal of the Tropical Medicine Institute of São Paulo
    Memories of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute
    Brazilian J.Med. Biol Research
    View Soc Card State of São Paulo
    Journal of Pathology
    Journal of Immunology

SCP7411 - Molecular Biology: Methodologies and Applications (2 credits)

    Menu / Description: Fundamental concepts of molecular biology. Recombinant DNA technology: restriction enzymes, sequencing, cloning, hybridization techniques and molecular diagnosis of infectious diseases. Application of molecular biology techniques in the diagnosis of diseases caused by viral and bacterial pathogens.

    De Roberts, E.M.F. Bases of cellular and molecular biology. 3th edition, 2001
    Bruce Alberts, et al. Molecular biology of the cell. 5th edition, 2008
    Lehninger, et al. Principles of Biochemistry, 4th edition, 2006
        Gurukumar, K.R .; Priyadarshini, D .; Patil, J.A .; Bhagat, A .; Singh, A .; Et al. Development of real time PCR for detection and quantitation of dengue viruses. Virology Journal, p.6-10, 2009
        Lima, S.S.S .; Clemente, W.T .; Palaci, M .; Rosa, R.V .; Antunes, C.M.F .; Serufo, J.C. Conventional and molecular techniques in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis: a comparative study. Journal Bras Pneumol, v.34, n.12, p.1056-1062, 2008
        Reithinger, R. and Dujardin, J.C. Molecular Diagnosis of Leishmaniasis: Current Status and Future Applications. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, p. 21-25, 2007
        De Paula S.O .; Lima, D.M .; Franca, R.F.O .; Gomes-Ruiz, A.C .; Fonseca, B.A. L. A DNA vaccine candidate expressing dengue-3 virus prM and E proteins elicits neutralizing antibodies and protective mice against lethal challenge. Arch Virol, 2008
        Pettersson, L .; Klingström, J .; Hardestam, J .; Lundkvist, Å .; Ahlm, C., et al. Hantavirus RNA in Saliva from Patients with Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome. Emerg Infect Dis., V.14, n.3, p.406-411, 2008

SCP7277 - Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Clinic (3 credits)

    Summary / Detailed description of the major infectious and parasitic diseases of public health importance for Ceará and Brazil. Emphasis will be placed on clinical and diagnostic aspects, but epidemiology and pathophysiological aspects will also be addressed. The themes will be: AIDS; dengue; influenza; Viral hepatitis; Herpes simplex virus infections (herpes simplex, varicella, herpes zoster, cytomeglovirus and infectious mononucleosis virus - Epstein Barr virus); Central nervous system infections with emphasis on bacterial meninginitis; Leprosy; tuberculosis; Melioidosis; Neurocysticercosis; Coccidioidomycosis and other endemic mycoses; Leishmaniasis.

    Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases. New York: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2009
    Tropical Infectious Disease: Pinciples, Pathogens and Practice. : Saunders Elsevier, 2011
    Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2ª.ed.New York: Cambridge - University Press, 2008
    Dynamics of infectious and parasitic diseases. Guanabara Koogan. 2005

SCP7744 - Bacterial Groups Associated with Human Infections (2 credits)

    Description: Taxonomy, classification and identification of bacterial groups associated with human infections. Comparative study of the groups with emphasis on the differential aspects related to: structure and characteristics related to dyeing properties. Metabolism and Growth. Main channels of acquisition and transmission chains. Prevention and control measures. Mechanisms of pathogenicity and pathogenesis. Bacterial Resistance to Antimicrobials. Bacterial groups: a) Gram-negative: Enterobacteria, Gram-negative bacilli Non-fermenting, Neisseria, Vibrios; B) Gram-positive: Corinebacteria, Staphylococci, Streptococci, Enterococci, Listerias; C) Other: Mycobacteria, Nocardia, Mycoplasmas, Riquetes, and Chlamydia.

    Murray PR, Baron E Jo, Jorgensen JH, Pfalller MA, Yolken RH. MANUAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY. 9th ed. ASM PRESS, 2007
    Murray PR, Rosenthal KS, Kobayashi GS, Pfaller MA. MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY. 10th ed. Mosby Co, 2008
    Winn WJr, Allen SD, Janda, WM, Koneman EW, Procop G, Schreckenberger PC, Woods G. KONEMAN'S COLOR ATLAS AND TEXTBOOK OF DIAGNOSTIC MICROBIOLOGY (Color Atlas & Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology). 6th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005
    Schaechter M, Engleberg NC, Eisenstein BI, Medoff G. MICROBIOLOGY. MECHANISMS OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES. 3rd ed. GUANABARA KOOGAN, 2002

SCP7266 - Oncology (3 credits)

Description: REGIONAL ONCOLOGY: Neoplasms prevalent in the Brazilian Northeast. Nosology, epidemiology, biology, and diagnostic-prognostic factors. Relationships with pathogenic bioagents and environmental factors. Characteristics of the general and in situ immune response.

    Cotran, R.S. Robbins Pathologic basis of disease. 5th ed./RS Cotran, SLRobbins, V.Kumar, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, 1994
    Bibbo, M (Ed) -Comprehensive cytopathology- W.B.Saunders Co, Philadelphia, 1991
    Sternberg, S.S. Histology for pathologist. Ed.Raven, 1992
    Robin, A.C and Stewart, B. Atlas of anatomical Pathology.Churchill-Livingstone, 1995
    Enzinger and Weiss. Soft tissue tumors.Ed.Mosby, 1995
    Fletcher,. -Diagnostic histopathology of tumors. Churchill-Livingstone, 1995
    Rosai, J.Ackerman's surgical pathology.Mosby, 1996
    Cancer Research
    Human Pathology
    Journal of Experimental Medicine
    Brazilian Journal of Cancerology

SCP7722 - Environmental Pathology (2 credits)

    Menu / Description: Urbanization and the historical reality of human development and diseases. Advancement of science and technology with exploitation of polluting energy, depletion of vital natural resources and consequences for human health. Pathophysiology of environmental diseases. Perspective for the survival of the human species within the context of scarcity and urban violence.

    Howard Frumkin - Environmental Health. From global to local. Pan American Health Organization WHO - Washington DC: PAHO, 2010, 1267 p
    Environmental and social determinants of health. Org. Luiz Augusto Galvão, Jacobo Finkelman. Washington DC: PAHO, in co-edition with Editora Fiocruz - Rio de Janeiro, 2011, 601 p
    KUMAR, V; ABBAS, AK; FAUSTO, N. Robbins and Cotran: Pathology: Pathological Bases of Diseases. 8 ed. Elsevier: Rio de Janeiro, 2010

SCP7023 - Advanced Topics in Human Parasitology (3 credits)

    / Ethical approach on the systematic aspects, morphology, biology, immunity, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of parasites and parasites of human and veterinary interest.

    Rey L. Bases of Medical Parasitology. Guanabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro, 2002
    Experimental Parasitology
    Parasitology Today
    Despommier, DD, Gwadz, RW, Hotez, PJ. Parasitic diseases, Spring-Verlag, 1995
    Cox, FEG-Modern Parasitology. Blackwell SP, 1994
    Karen L. Haag, Bruno Gottstein, Francisco J. Ayala. Taeniid history, natural selection and antigenic diversity: evolutionary theory meets helminthology Trends in Parasitology, 2008, Vol. 24, Issue 2, 96-102
    Gabriele Schönian, Isabel Mauricio, Marina Gramiccia, Carmen Cañavate, Marleen Boelaert, Jean-Claude Dujardin. Leishmaniasis in the Mediterranean in the era of molecular epidemiology. Trends in Parasitology, 2008, Vol. 24, Issue 3, 135-142
    Vasilakis N, Weaver SC. The history and evolution of human dengue emergence. Adv Virus Res. 2008; Vol. 72: 1-76