There are standards for Presentation of Academic Works in the UFC. These standardization recommendations for the presentation of documents, such as theses, dissertations, monographs and similar academic papers, are based on standards for documentation prepared by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), the body responsible for technical standardization in Brazil.
The reference guide for the UFC includes NBR 14724, which deals with the presentation of academic papers, and NBR 15287, regarding the presentation of research projects, ABNT standards that have changed and were updated in 2011. In the preparation of the guide also The following standards were taken as a basis:
A) NBR 6023/2002 References - Preparation;
B) NBR 6024/2003 Progressive numbering of sections of a document;
C) NBR 6027/2003 Summary - Presentation;
D) NBR 6028/2003 Abstracts - Presentation;
E) NBR 6034/2004 Contents - Presentation;
F) NBR 10520/2002 Quotations - Presentation; and
G) Rules of tabular presentation of IBGE, for presentation of tables.
UFC Academic Papers (.pdf)